
Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH
Willy-Brandt-Allee 26
45891 Gelsenkirchen

T 0209 7020
F 0209 702-2100
Service phone fault 0209 70230

Managing Director: Thomas Dettenberg (Spokesman of the Management Board), Carsten Wick
Registry Court: Local court Gelsenkirchen
Commercial register no. HRB 1029
Sales tax identification number: DE 811 277 178


Supervisory Board

Henning R. Deters (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
Manfred Ackermann
Dr. Joachim Basler
Dr. Bernhard Schaefer
Birgit Lucht
Taner Ünalgan
Dr. Dirk Waider
Oberbürgermeisterin Karin Welge
Harald Förster (Guest)
Markus Karl (Guest)


Legal notice:

GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH makes every effort to ensure that the information and data contained on its website are accurate. However, any liability or guarantee for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the information and data provided is excluded. This also applies to all other websites to which reference is made by means of a hyperlink. GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH is also not responsible for the content of websites that are reached by means of such a link. GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH reserves the right to make changes or additions to the information or data provided without prior notice.

The information and data provided on our website offer the user an overview of our company for information purposes, without the user being able to refer to or rely on the topicality, correctness or completeness of the information or data. GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH shall not be liable for any direct or indirect damages, including lost profits, arising from the use of the information or data found on this website. Rights and obligations between GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH and the user of the website or third parties are excluded.

The content of the GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH website is protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of texts, parts of texts or graphical material requires the prior consent of GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH. This does not apply to press releases and the press archive.

All information or data, their use and the registration to the GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH website as well as all actions, toleration or omissions in connection with the GELSEN-NET Kommunikationsgesellschaft mbH website are exclusively subject to German law. Place of performance and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Gelsenkirchen.


Dispute resolution procedure

If the customer wishes to initiate a conciliation procedure pursuant to § 68 TKG, he must submit an application to the Telecommunications Consumer Conciliation Board of the Federal Network Agency (Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Post and Railway, Tulpenfeld 4, 53113 Bonn, Germany). Details on initiating a conciliation procedure can be found on the homepage of the Federal Network Agency ( using the search function and the search term conciliation. Participation in a conciliation procedure is voluntary. GELSEN-NET does not participate in a conciliation procedure pursuant to § 68 TKG.